Beach Cleanup

Please join us Saturday, April 25th!!

Faculty and students from PJC will meet at the Ft Pickens Gate (the west end of Santa Rosa Island) from 8:00-12:00. Come late, leave early, but lend a hand.

Please remember to bring water, sunscreen and protective gloves.

For more information, please contact Mike Will at 484-1433 or

60 SEEDS: Working For a Better Tomorrow

If you don't like the beach...

Help out the Dog and Cat Food Drive. Please donate dry or canned dog and cat food for the Humane Society of Pensacola and the Wild Life Sanctuary. Collection bins are located in Buildings 4, 5, 6 and 14. Please see the collection bins for a complete list of needed items. The food drive will last until April 28th.

If you don't like animals...

Get your spring cleaning done, and bring any gently used clothing for the Waterfront Rescue Mission. There is a separate collection for toiletry items: travel size shampoo, conditioner, soap or toothpaste and toothbrushes. Collection bins are located at the Entrance of Building 4. We will collect items until April 28th.

Spring 2009 Schedule

February 10, 2009 Renewable Energy Forum, Hagler Auditorium
March 9, 2009 The Role of Stewardship across Faiths
April 22, 2009 Earth Day Tree Planting
April 24, 2009 Arbor Day Tree Planting

Junk to Art
January 23, 2009 2:00-6:00 Room 509