60 Seeds- Low Cost Changes that Can be Implemented Today

Turn off lights when not in use.
Don’t use lights when they are not necessary.
Use lamps with compact fluorescent bulbs instead of overhead lights.
Use powersave options on computers
Turn off computer when leaving for the day.
Un-plug appliances when not in use.
Don’t use elevators if you don’t need to.
Don’t use electronic door openers if you don’t need to.
Change the margins before you print.
Use both sides of paper.
Use a smaller font.
Don’t print e-mails.
Use a ceramic mug at the office instead of paper or Styrofoam cups.
Raise mowers.
Mow less often.
Leave some sections of lawn unmowed.
Water less often.
Water at times when less evaporation occurs.
Set sprinklers so the sidewalks, parking lots, and streets are not watered.
Don’t use blowers.
Don’t use chemical herbicides.
Don’t use chemical fertilizers.
Don’t use chemical insecticides.
Turn clippings and prunings into mulch.
Mulch in flower beds and around trees.
Don’t litter.
Pick up litter.
Any new planting should be with native perennial plants.
Don’t use golf carts needlessly.
Check tire pressure on all College vehicles (and on personal ones).
Don’t speed.
Put houseplants in the office.
Don’t use disposable dishes or forks and spoons.
Use re-fillable water bottles.
Don’t use paper napkin. If you do, make sure they have post-consumer content.
Use non-toxic cleaners.
Lower the thermostat in the winter, raise it in the summer.
Dispose of hazardous waste properly.
One day a week get to work some way other than driving alone in your car.
Cover the pool to prevent evaporation.
Put a brick or filled capped jug in the toilet tank.
Use re-usable shopping bags.
Turn down the water heater.
Insulate the water heater.
Recycle everything.
Re-use everything.
Buy in bulk.
Don’t release balloons.
Clean or replace air filters regularly.
Vacuum refrigerator coils once a year.
Have an energy audit done.
Caulk like crazy.
Donate old clothing, books, cookware, etc.
Stop junk mail.
Use libraries.
Use phosphate free detergent.
Use washable napkins, tablecloths, cleaning rags, instead of paper ones.
Feed the birds; put up birdhouses and baths.